Don't try this one
I'd rather have the blahs of February than the excitement of yesterday. The boy choked on a little, soft piece of melon (very, very strange) and I had to call 911. We took an ambulance ride to the emergency room and then spent several hours there. Last night T and I watched the boy to make sure his breathing was fine (the melon never came out, so there was a concern that it might be in the lungs). He seems fine now, and was just exhausted with all of the excitement. I'm exhausted too, but I think I can make it through the day. We have to head to the doctor's this morning for a check-up on the lungs. Anyhow, perhaps a better picture will show but for now here's my "Warding off the February Funk picture #3," awfully similar to the Soule Mama picture from yesterday:#3 Read, read, read some more. Escape with books, cozy blanket & slippers nearby. A Wednesday trip to Book Babies at the library can help flush out the book collection.
oh dear, I am so glad everything is okay now. lot's of books and extra cuddles sounds likea good plan.
oh my! this is so scary. the other day, mary was eating a piece of hard pretzel (I didn't know it was in her mouth) and then I scolded her about something, which made her cry--and when I saw that piece of pretzel in her screaming open mouth it freaked me out. Then she started to choke on it--but only b/c she had swallowed it whole.
Ugh. long story...anyway, I'm SO glad everything is okay. Hope all are recovering by now!!
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