Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Love the sun

There was sun shining in our kitchen and a wee little corner of the living room this morning. C went over to the wee corner and put his head down on a cushion right in the sun and he was so beautiful. I miss that sun! I also miss the snow though, and didn't want to post because I want that amazing bit of Japanese maple to pop up every time I see the blog. I have nothing beautiful to replace it with!

Frustrations abound. Yesterday was a rough, rough day and T was gone 'til midnight. We headed over to the boy's grandparents' for dinner though, and it saved the day really. It was so nice to be around people who think he's as brilliant and fascinating as I do, and it was just so comforting. Their house has never really been my home as they moved there after I was gone and off to college, but it's still like home in a way because my parents are there. It makes me think about the other day when the boy was saying "home, home, home" over and over. He takes new words he learns and repeats them over and over and over... You get the idea. The boys were in the kitchen and T asked C to say "Mama" and he said "home" instead. T said something like, "Mama is our home, isn't she?" and it made me feel so nice and warm inside.

I think the frustrations mostly center on transitions again, which I always struggle with. Change seems especially hard for me and though I'm generally happy with the change once it's settled and not new any more, I dread it coming up and I fight it while it's happening. The boy is hitting his stride in so many ways and is so very capable now. I don't need to "hover" as much as I had to (hardwood floors with a little baby are tough stuff) and when we're off places he runs away to explore just like I want him to. We're at a new place again, in a way, and I haven't found my way to run away and explore yet. It'll happen, I know, but I'm always a person who wants it to have happened yesterday. It's: ideas, ideas, ideas, passion, why isn't it done yet? The moms I know with kids the relatively same age seem to be having similar transitions. Some are heading back to work, others are having Baby #2. I'm so not ready for either of those yet and neither is T. Anyhow, I'll find my way.

I just found this little blog, celebrating its first birthday. It's almost our boy's blog's birthday too but I don't think I'll craft an amazing banner to celebrate! Her sentiment about being inspired to craft and being appreciated for what she puts out there in the world is what I yearn for! It's always fun to visit my favorites and to sit down for a moment in the sun to write, coffee in hand.

The most creative thing I did yesterday was to save some cute little Pumas from their scuff; they were passed on to us and look new and darling yet again. The secret without the right color of shoe polish? Rub permanent marker in a darker color than the shoe on your finger, then rub the finger on the scuffed area. It works every time. We must have done this when I was little-- Where would I have come up with that one?

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