Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Lists and such

Today's about lists, taxes, Book Babies at the library and it's always, always about the boy. I love this crazy little boy. By the by, I'd like to actually complete some of the things on the aforementioned lists.

The "uh-oh" [dis]organization effort is at the chaos stage so, of course, I'm sitting here doing some extreme avoidance. It's enough to make you want to hide your head in a pot.

  • Happy Zombie inspired me to go check on China and it looks like I'm still tame enough to break on through the firewall. I'll have to work on that.
  • I'm having fun exploring Flickr and so here's my new little page... I do think it's just a touch bit creepy how much you can discover by what people upload there. I'll stick to crafty pictures, thank you very much.
  • I think these look extremely yummy (and easy-- easy is good).
  • I keep thinking about the ripple blanket over at Posie which worries me. I know myself well enough to understand that there's absolutely no way I could complete something like that at this point in my patience growth curve, and I don't have $4000 to spare (yep-- $4000). I know it's old news and it's taken the crafty blog world by storm but have you checked in with these people? My concern is that I feel extra-sad now for all of the crocheted blankets at thrift stores, sort-of a sad-kitten-at-the-pound feeling like I should bring them all home with me for a good life. It could be a problem.
  • Speaking of buying, we're going to IKEA tomorrow and I'm bracing myself against wanting all sorts of things. We're stopping there for a rug for the boy's room on our way up to Seattle. This is our big birthday "bash" for T (it's been put off several times) so we need to go to some favorite stores and buy birthday socks (those are just socks that you buy for your birthday because you need them desperately and you can justify the purchase as a "present" to yourself-- sad... They don't have little balloons all over them or anything), shoes, pants, and maybe a book or two at our favorite Seattle bookstore.
  • I loved the recent episode Kid Logic from This American Life.


beki said...

You get to go to Ikea. I'm so jealous. We don't have any of those around here. My only option is to drool at the selections online. *sigh*

Matroskin said...

Ikea stores are designed so that it's impossible to leave with just one item. Quite clever. In here, they have really wonderful toys there. I never go unless I have some extra cash, or my mum, who'll pay for the kids' stuff.

Anonymous said...

I would love to make one of those blankets too. The only problems being: 1. I don't know how to crochet yet 2. I don't have yarn that would be a good candidate 3. I don't have $4,000. Guess I'll have to do the thrift blanket thing too!